Are your favorite jeans getting a little too snug around the waist? You don’t have to be obese or overweight to notice stubborn that fat sticking around. In fact, almost half of the adults in America try to lose weight each year. For many men, even those who are physically active, abdominal fat is tough to get rid of.

Instead of letting that relentless fat stick around, freeze that stubborn fat off!

More men are using CoolSculpting to reduce belly fat. With CoolSculpting, you have a nonsurgical option for getting the shape you want. 


Keep reading to discover how CoolSculpting can help with losing belly fat and achieving your personal body goals!

What is CoolSculpting?

Also known as cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting is a cosmetic treatment that works to reduce fat cells in targeted areas of the body. Instead of physically removing the fat, however, CoolSculpting works by freezing fat cells and allowing the body to naturally eliminate them. This creates a noninvasive treatment option that doesn’t involve cuts, anesthesia, or surgery.

Since it’s noninvasive, CoolSculpting offers less risk than liposuction or surgery to remove body fat. 

As an FDA-approved fat reduction treatment, CoolSculpting uses freezing temperatures to break down fat cells. Other cells don’t respond to cold the way fat cells do. As a result, using CoolSculpting for fat reduction won’t damage your skin or underlying tissue.

A healthcare professional will place the applicator on the area to be treated, which will produce a slight sucking sensation. The applicator will then cool the fat cells and get to work reducing your belly fat or other area being treated. 

The freezing temperatures will help numb your stomach during the procedure.

Since there’s no damage to the skin or tissue, you don’t have to worry about recovery time. Instead, you can head right back to work or relax at home. The entire procedure takes about an hour. 

However, it can take between four and six months before the fat cells are completely flushed from the body. Afterward, you’ll notice a 20 to 25% reduction of fat around your belly.

In addition to treating men’s belly fat, CoolSculpting also works for the:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Banana roll
  • Thighs
  • Bra fat
  • Upper arms
  • Back
  • Below the chin
  • Below the jawline

CoolSculpting is an effective fat reduction treatment option for targeting areas of fat that aren’t easy to remove through diet and exercise. 

After the Treatment

Unlike some fat reduction methods, CoolSculpting has a high success rate for reducing men’s belly fat.

However, CoolSculpting isn’t a miracle cure. The procedure doesn’t work for everyone. It also can’t guarantee complete removal of fat cells throughout the body. You’ll learn more about this during your consultation.

Rather, you need to supplement your CoolSculpting treatment with lifestyle changes. For example, a sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet will lead to less-than-expected fat reduction. Changing your diet and being active each day can help support your CoolSculpting treatment, as your body flushes out the dead fat cells. 

Otherwise, you might notice the fat return after your CoolSculpting treatment. 

CoolSculpting also won’t tighten any loose skin you develop.

If the skin around your belly fat as stretched due to the fat build-up, you might notice excess skin after your procedure.

After your CoolSculpting treatment, the fat cells are gone, providing lasting results. However, it’s important to note that CoolSculpting is meant for reducing fat, including men’s belly fat. While it can help remove stubborn areas of fat throughout the body, it’s not a weight-loss treatment. 

If you have an underlying metabolic condition or diabetes, CoolSculpting isn’t ideal for you. Since CoolSculpting is a cosmetic procedure and not a weight loss procedure, you might regain the fat you lost following your appointment. 

Working Out

One way to ensure the long-lasting results of your CoolSculpting treatment is by getting regular exercise. Since CoolSculpting is noninvasive, you’ll experience little to no downtime following a treatment. 

If you are into weight training, sports or other aerobic activities, you should be able to continue without interruption.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of your CoolSculpting treatment depends on the area to be treated and how many treatments you need. In some cases, men’s belly fat can require multiple treatments to achieve the results you’re looking for.

Each treatment is personalized to achieve your personal goals. In that sense, it’s important to speak with a professional and complete an in-person consultation. This will give you a more accurate quote before your first CoolSculpting treatment. 

Some locations, such as our med spas, offer financing options to help spread out the cost of your procedures. However, it’s important to note that insurance doesn’t typically cover the cost of a CoolSculpting treatment. 


There are a number of benefits to choosing CoolSculpting over other treatment options. Here are a few to consider before choosing a treatment:

  • The procedure is low-risk
  • Since the skin barrier isn’t broken, there’s no risk of infection or scarring
  • You won’t need to take time off work
  • The results are gradual following the procedure, so your fat loss looks natural

CoolSculpting helps people who are having a difficult time losing stubborn fat. As a result, you’ll feel a boost of confidence following your procedure.

Side Effects

CoolSculpting won’t require you to take any medications that might lead to an allergic reaction. It also removes the risks associated with cuts and anesthesia. Though it’s noninvasive, using CoolSculpting to remove men’s belly fat still has some possible side effects, although they are mostly temporary.

For example, you might temporarily experience reduced sensation around the treated area.

Other side effects may include:

  • Sensitivity
  • Redness
  • Localized pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising

More serious, though often rare side effects include scarring, skin pigment changes, and bleeding. Make sure to contact your healthcare provider immediately if you notice any of these serious side effects. 

The Coolest Treatment for Reducing Men’s Belly Fat: CoolSculpting

As the ‘coolest’ treatment for reducing men’s belly fat, CoolSculpting is gaining popularity. If you’re having trouble removing stubborn fat around your belly or other areas throughout your body, consider CoolSculpting. 

Remember, the treatment is noninvasive. Instead of choosing a treatment that can disrupt your busy life, you can easily fit CoolSculpting into your schedule. Then, you can reduce 20 to 25% of your belly fat and start accomplishing your body goals!

Request an appointment today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

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